Middle Age Ramblings

Where I Share My Thoughts On This Journey Called Life

Free College

President Obama announced yesterday a proposal to give free community college to anyone who is “willing to work for it”. The specifics of the program at this point are vague. It is proposed that students who keep up a 2.5 GPA and are making progress to complete their degrees in a 3 years or less could receive this help if the state the community college is in opts into the program.

This is because the Federal Government is going to pay 75% of the tuition and State governments would pick up 25%.

This program is modeled after a program began last year in the state of Tennessee. About 58,000 of the states roughly 62,000 high school seniors have applied for the program. It is my understanding that the Tennessee program is funded by Lottery monies.

There were no specifics given in the Presidents announcement about how this program would be funded. I would be interested in finding out how many billions of dollars this is going to cost the taxpayers, you and me.

I fear that this might be another unfunded mandate handed down by the Federal government for the state and local governments to bear the burden of.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have any problem  with assisting children from underprivileged families in order for them to get an education. A good education, if the individual applies what they have learned, is the best way for a person to change their lives and break the cycle of poverty.

However, just guaranteeing an education doesn’t guarantee a job in the field they get their degree in. There are people in this economy who are under employed. Meaning they are working in a field that is not what they studied, and are making less money  because there are no jobs available in their field.

I know young adults with degrees who are working jobs making $8-9 per hour because there were no jobs available in their chosen field. They should be making $22,000 to $25,000 per year at least based on estimates.

I fear this is another in a long list of education programs, both Democratic and Republican, design to “improve education”. However, government has been largely unsuccessful at improving education. That is why we have so many failing schools and failing students. While I don’t have any answers for this problem, I don’t think another bureaucratic program is the answer because most of the money will be spent on the bureaucracy created to run the program and very little of the money will actually get to where it is needed.

I have rambled on this a good bit and I appreciate you sticking around to read all of it. As I said I don’t have any good answers for our education problems, but I know that the government solutions have not worked before. Maybe this one will, but I doubt it

I am certain this program will create much discussion on both sides. Please share your opinion below about this new idea of the Presidents. I look forward to reading them.

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3 thoughts on “Free College

  1. I have not listened to or read anything regarding the details of Obama’s scheme; however, it’s nothing but a joke, to be sure. I live in TN and one of my daughters is benefiting from our state’s program…she had to graduate high school with at least a B-average. But here’s the thing: if you can’t afford community college, yet make decent grades, is there not something called a Pell Grant? In other words, for most college-age students with decent grades there is ALREADY funding available!

    Don’t be surprised to see a national lottery proposed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree completely. Since posting this, I have read several articles about this proposal. None of the articles have been favorable. I agree with your comments about Pell Grants. One article I read today quoted the governor of Tn. saying that due to Pell Grants, the state of Tn is actually out only a few hundred dollars per student. This is obviously a plan to exercise more gov’t control over the education process in order to indoctrinate our children to the gov’t way of thinking. Not good!


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